Motherhood: Month 1
As I sit here in yesterday's shirt covered in fresh spit up, rocking Nolan's bassinet with my foot - breakfast sits half-eaten next to me and yesterday's dinner dishes are sitting on the counter. The 5 outfits Nolan went through the past 24 hours are in the hamper waiting to be washed with a handful of dirty burp cloths. The contents of my purse are strewn about the table waiting to be reorganized and put away. Half-written thank-you notes wait to be sealed and delivered to Nolan's generous visitors.
A hot steamy shower calls my name but the coos and grunts coming from the bassinet tell me a diaper change and request for second breakfast is forthcoming.
So I continue to tap my foot back and forth, back and forth, lulling this sweet boy into a comfortable trance until he lets me know it's time for more snuggles.
And that's ok.